Monday, November 16, 2020

대취타 (Daechwita)


대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita, play it louder, daechwita

대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita, play it louder, daechwita

대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita, play it louder, daechwita

대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita, play it louder, daechwita

대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita, play it louder, daechwita

빛이나 빛이나 내 왕관이 빛이나

How it shines, how it shines, look at my crown, how it shines

잊지마 잊지마 지난 날을 잊지마

Don’t forget, don’t forget, where we came from, don’t forget

We so fly we so fly 전세기로 we so fly

We so fly, we so fly, on a private airplane, we so fly

종놈 출신에 왕된 놈

Became a king where I’d been a slave

미쳐버린 범 광해 flow

A tiger gone mad who has Gwanghae flow

개천 출에 용된 몸

Where there had been rags, riches rose

그게 내가 곧 사는 법

That indeed is how i roll

미안 걱정은 말라고

Sorry but don’t let it bother you

나도 잃을건 많다고

I as well have got lots to lose

과건 뒤주에 가두고

I keep the past locked in a rice chest and

내걸 챙겨 다 잡수쥬

feast upon what belongs to me

말이 안되지 

It really can’t be 

내가 개라니

A dog’s what you’re calling me?

범으로 태어났지 적어도 너처럼 약하진 않지

I was born a tiger, at least not a weak druggie like you

좆밥들의 걍 재롱잔치

The party tricks of pathetic dicks

솔까 존나게 어이없지 

Not gonna lie, how fucking sad

싹다 죽여 난 예의 없이

Done being civil, I’ll kill them all

새꺄 그래 너 예외없이

No exceptions, all bastards fall

Flexing 난 없지

Flexing, ain't for me

필요가 없지

It ain't necessary

Who’s the king? Who's the boss?

다 알잖아 내 이름

Everybody knows my name

입만 산 새끼들

All they do is run their mouths

당장 놈의 목을 쳐

Off with their heads at once

대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita, play it louder daechwita

대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita, play it louder daechwita

대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita, play it louder daechwita

대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita, play it louder, daechwita,

대취타 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita

대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita, play it louder, daechwita

대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita, play it louder, daechwita

한탕해먹고 곧바로 난 전세기로 날아

Here to earn my cut and then it’s off on another private jet

나를 담기엔 이 나란 아직 여전히 작아

This country’s too small, it can’t contain me yet

Woo 누가 시간은 금이래

Woo, who’s been saying that time is cash

내 시간은 더 비싼데

cause my time is worth more than that

Tic tok 선비새끼들 

tik tok, I’ll spit in the faces

면상에다 침을 칵 뱉어

of you stuck up dickheads

꺾인 적이 없는 매출출출출출출출

It never declines, our revenue-ue-ue-ue-ue-ue-ue

우리 방시혁 피디는 매일 춤춤춤춤춤춤춤

Every day Bang Shi-hyuk is dancing (groove-groove-groove-groove-groove-groove)

참 감사하네 내가 천재임에

I’m so thankful that I’m a genius

고작 그런 이유로 약을 빨다니 애잔하기 그지없네 재능이 없는거지 뭐

That was your only excuse for popping pills, you’re just a pathetic sight and you’ve got no skills

원하는 건 모두 가졌지 이제는 뭘 더 가져야만 만족이 될지

I’ve got everything I wanted, now what more could satisfy me

내가 원했던 것 옷옷 다음은 돈돈 다음은 goal goal 이 다음은 도대체 뭐지

I’d wanted clothes, clothes, then cash, cash, then goal goal, now what’s next

그 다음은 그래 뭘까 심히 느껴지는 현타 위가 없는 현상

Yeah a state of clarity where I realize that there is nowhere higher is what’s next

위만 보던 난 이제 걍 아래만 보다가 이대로 착지하고파

I’ve only ever looked up, but now i just want to keep my gaze and feet on the ground

I’m a king, I’m a boss

새겨놓아 내 이름

History will know my name

입만 산 새끼들

All these bastards that run their mouths

당장 놈의 주리를 틀어

off to the rack with them at once

I’m a king, I’m a boss

다 알잖아 내이름

Everybody knows my name

입만 산 새끼들

All these bastards that run their mouths

당장 놈의 목을 쳐

off with their heads at once

대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita, play it louder, daechwita

대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타

Daechwita, daecwhita, play it louder, daechwita

대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita, play it louder, daechwita

대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita, play it louder, daechwita

대취타 대취타

Daechwita, daechwita

Translation notes:

Oh man, where do I even start?


대취타 (dae-chwi-ta) literally translates to “grand blow beat”, and it was the military marching band procession that preceded a King when he went somewhere. It’s very hard to translate this directly into English, but the general feeling from the word “Daechwita” is “the king is coming”.

“지난 날을” translates literally to “previous days”. The music video translation used “days gone by”, I’ve gone with “where we came from.” 

“개천 출에 용된 몸” translates literally to “A body that became a dragon rose from a small stream”, which is from a Korean idiom talking about how a person from small beginnings worked hard to become extremely successful.” Or, as we say in English, from rags to riches. 

“새겨놓아 내 이름” more literally is “keep it engraved, my name”. 

“당장 놈의 주리를 틀어” means “twist their leg at once” and is a popular sentence in historical dramas when one is about to be tortured. I went with “off to the rack with them at once” to sound similarly old-fashioned and dramatic. 

Insults Yoongi uses in this song include “좆밥” which very literally means “dick feed”. 

Quick shoutout to the Daechwita music video translator because they did an absolutely amazing job capturing the nuances of this song/matching English lyrics with the beat/making lyrics rhyme in English as well as Korean/doing basically everything I aspire to do as a translator. I almost didn’t even try to translate Daechwita myself because the mv translator did such a good job. I have no idea who they are but I appreciate them very much and hope to see their style on more BTS music videos in the future.

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