Wednesday, November 10, 2021


  (Lyrics in colour are the official lyrics, lyrics in black are translations. Official English lyrics are italicized.)

We're born in the moonlight

Ain't no fantasy

Can't breathe in the sunlight

Gotta hide your heart

We were born to be sad, sad, sad, sad

Suffer to be glad, glad, glad, glad

Come on y'all Moonchild, Moonchild

That's how it's supposed to be

Yeah all the pain, all the sorrow

That's your destiny, see?

You and my life, it’s like this

We gotta dance in the rain

Dance in the pain

Even though we crash down

We gon dance in the plane


우리에겐 누구보다 밤의 풍경이 필요해

more than all the rest, we need the view of the night

그 어느 누구도 아닌 나만이 날 위로해

it is nobody else but I who comforts myself

It's okay to shed the tears

But don't you tear yourself

Moonchild, you shine

When moon rise, it's your time


Come on y'all

Moonchild, don't cry

When moon rise, it's your time

Come on y'all

Moonchild, you shine

When moon rise, it's your time

Come on y'all

떠나도 절대 한 번도 떠나지지가 않아

though the intent to leave is there, you never end up truly leaving

죽고 싶다며 그만큼 넌 또 열심히 살아

as you say you want to die, you’re also living that much harder

내려놓고 싶다며 또 다른 달아

you say you want to drop it all, yet take another burden 

생각하지 말잔 생각조차 생각이잖아

the notion of not thinking is still indeed a thought

You know 사실은 우린 이런 운명이란 걸

you know it to be true, that this is our destiny

You know 끝없는 고통 속에 웃는 거란 걸

you know of smiling through endless suffering

You know 자유라 말하는 순간 자유는 없어

You know, to speak aloud of freedom means your freedom disappears

You know

Do you know?

달의 시간에 영혼의 눈으로 저 밤하늘을 봐

during the hours of the moon, look at the night sky through your soul 

너에겐 보여줄거야 너의 창 너의 시간

it will be revealed to you, your opportunity, your time

알고 있니 저 가로등에도 가시가 많아

did you know even the street lamps have a multitude of thorns

저 명멸하는 빛을 자세히 한 번 쳐다봐

take a closer look once more into those flickering lights

야경이란 게 참 잔인하지 않니

is the nightscape not a merciless thing?

누구의 가시들이 모여 펼쳐진 장관이

a spectacular expanse comprised of one’s thorns

분명 누군간 너의 가시를 보며 위로받겠지

though upon seeing your thorns, someone will certainly be consoled

우린 서로의 야경, 서로의 달

to each other, we’re the nightscape, we’re the moon

우린 서로의 야경, 서로의 달

to each other, we’re the nightscape, we’re the moon

우린 서로의 야경, 서로의 달

to each other, we’re the nightscape, we’re the moon

우린 서로의 야경, 서로의 달

to each other, we’re the nightscape, we’re the moon

우린 서로의 야경, 서로의 달

to each other, we’re the nightscape, we’re the moon

Come on ya'll

Moonchild, don't cry

When moon rise, it's your time

Come on ya'll

Moonchild, you shine

When moon rise, it's your time

Come on ya'll

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  (Lyrics in colour are the official lyrics , lyrics in black are translations. Official English lyrics are italicized.) Yonghoon | Dongmy...