Thursday, November 26, 2020

잠시 (Telepathy)

 (Lyrics in colour are the official lyrics, lyrics in black are translations. Official English lyrics are italicized.)

 RM | Jin | SUGA | j-hope | Jimin | V | Jungkook


매번 같은 하루들 중에

Amidst these days, always the same

너를 만날 때 가장 난 행복해

I am happiest when I meet you

매번 다른 일상들 속에

In the midst of this life, always changing

너란 사람은 내게 가장 특별해

It’s you who is the most special to me


별일은 없지

How are things going?

아픈 곳은 없겠지

I hope you’re doing well

난 요즘에 글쎄

Me, these days, well

붕 떠 버린 것 같아

Feels like I’m floating up in the air

많은 시간 덕에

Thanks to all the time I’ve got

이런 노랠 쓰네

This is the kind of song I'm writing

이건 너를 위한 노래

it’s song to bring you comfort

Yeah 노래 yeah 노래

yeah, a song, yeah, a song


자 떠나자 푸른 바다로

Hey, let’s head out, to the blue sea 

우리가 함께 뛰어놀던 저 푸른 바다로

the location of our shared shenanigans, that blue sea

괜한 걱정들은 잠시

those idle fears, briefly,

내려놓은 채로 잠시

set them aside, briefly

우리끼리 즐겨보자 함께 추억하는

let’s be happy together, on that small island

푸른 바다 한가운데 작은 섬

in the middle of the blue sea of our memories


비록 지금은 멀어졌어도

Even though now we’re apart

우리 마음만은 똑같잖아

we're on the same wavelength

내 곁에 네가 없어도 yeah

Although you’re not at my side, yeah

네 곁에 내가 없어도 yeah

although I’m not at your side, yeah

우린 함께인 걸 다 알잖아

we all know, of course, that we’re together


매번 같은 하루들 중에

Amidst these days, always the same

너를 만날 때 가장 난 행복해

I am happiest when I meet you

매번 다른 일상들 속에

In the midst of this life, always changing

너란 사람은 내게 가장 특별해

Who you are is what’s most special to me


아침 들풀처럼 일어나

Getting up in the morning like wild grass,

거울처럼 난 너를 확인

I check in with you like a mirror

눈꼽 대신 너만 묻었다 잔뜩

Instead of sleep, my eyes are full of you

또 무겁다 멍 많은 무르팍이

My bruised knees are feeling heavy again

거릴 거닐며 생각해 이 별이

I’m thinking as I wander the streets

허락해 주는 우리의 거리

of the distance this star has allowed us to have

Oh can I be your Bibilly Hills? (TN: wordplay, pillar of stability)

Like you did the same to me



너무 빠른 건 조금 위험해

Too fast is a little dangerous

너무 느린 건 조금 지루해

Too slow is a little boring

너무 빠르지도 않게

So that it’s not too fast

또는 느리지도 않게

and so it’s not too slow

우리의 속도에 맞춰 가보자고

let’s try to set our own pace

이건 꽤나 긴 즐거운 롤러코스터

on this long and enjoyable rollercoaster 


비록 지금은 멀어졌어도

Even though now we’re apart

우리 마음만은 똑같잖아

we're on the same wavelength

내 곁에 네가 없어도 yeah

Although you’re not at my side, yeah

네 곁에 내가 없어도 yeah

although I’m not at your side, yeah

우린 함께인 걸 다 알잖아

we all know, of course, that we’re together


매번 같은 하루들 중에

Amidst these days, always the same

너를 만날 때 가장 난 행복해

I am happiest when I meet you

매번 다른 일상들 속에

In the midst of this life, always changing

너란 사람은 내게 가장 특별해

Who you are is what’s most special to me


Translation Notes: 


"아픈 것은 없겠지", which I translated to "I hope you're doing well", literally means "I expect you aren't hurt anywhere, right?"

There is, as usual, fun wordplay in Namjoon's verse. "I'm thinking as I wander the streets of the distance this star has allowed us to have" is one way of translating it. However, the word for "street", 거리 (geo-li), is also the word for "distance". The word for star is 별, (byul), the word for "this" is 이 (ee). The word for parting (or farewell) is 이별, with no space. When you hear it, it can also sound like "I'm thinking as I walk the streets, of the distance this parting has allowed us". 


Then there's the "bibilly hills" line, which I never would have understood without twitter lol. "비빌" which is the direct hangul of "bibil", translates in Korean to "to rub". If you then translate "hills" into korean you get 언덕. The saying is "비빌 언덕", "a hill to rub against", and the closest English approximation I can think of is "a pillar of stability." You have to use a mixture of English, Korean, and hangulized English to understand this verse, because no matter how good you are at cross-language wordplay, Kim Namjoon will always be better. 


 A more literal translation of "we're on the same wavelength" would be "our hearts/minds (same word in Korean) are exactly the same."

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  (Lyrics in colour are the official lyrics , lyrics in black are translations. Official English lyrics are italicized.) Yonghoon | Dongmy...